William Bradley Horton
Akita University, Associate Professor
[ResearchMap] [Academia.edu] [@Akita University]
Brad Horton is a researcher working on a range of subjects related to Indonesia during WWII and during the mid-20th century. His main work currently is related to alternative medicines for malaria during WWII, Indonesian language publications, health advertising, and health infrastructure during the war.

Takashi Sakata
Ishinomaki Senshu University, Professor emeritus.
Takashi Sakata is a researcher specializing in nutritional physiology and food science with comparative and ethnological aspects. His main establishment was to clarify the mechanism of the interaction between gut microbes and host animals including homo sapiens. This was one of main mechanism for effects of dietary fibers and probiotics. In this project, he has been working on quinine and synthetic medicines, their production, distribution and use in diplomacy. However, along with Eveline Buchheim (NIOD) he is also working on a book related to a Japanese photographer who was dispatched to Jakarta in WWII.

Mayumi Yamamoto
Miyagi University, Professor
[ResearchMap] [@Miyagi University]
Mayumi Yamamoto is an anthropologist interested in the wartime cultures in Indonesia. She is currently working on a long-time project related to comfort women in Indonesia, but also has been conducting research related to burnable insecticide (katori senko, obat njamoek) as well as venereal disease in mid-20th century.

Kaoru Kochi
Kanda University of Foreign Studies, Associate Professor
Kaoru Kochi is a researcher specializing in postwar Indonesian literature, politics and the military, but has also worked on the wartime films produced in Java during the war, including films related to health and malaria.

Fransiscus Adrian Agahari
Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University (玉川大学, 脳科学研究所), Post-doctoral researcher
Fransiscus Adrian Agahari is a researcher on neuroscience working on cerebral cortex cells. He is also working on documenting the research production of Indonesian medical researchers in the 1930s and the 1940s, especially within fields related to malaria.

Isao Yamazaki
Saga University, Professor
[ResearchMap] [@Saga University]
Isao Yamazaki is a specialist in the history of international relations between Southeast Asia and Japan, especially focusing on the history of Indonesia in mid-20th century. He has worked on the postwar connections to Indonesia, both of wartime veterans and among postwar scholars. He also has worked on regional connections between Kyushu and specifically Saga and Southeast Asia. He is currently working on the connections of medical researchers to Sumatra, Jakarta, and Sulawesi during the Japanese occupation.

Makiko Sekiyama
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Health and Environmental Risk Division (Environmental Epidemiology Section), Senior Researcher
[ResearchMap] [@NIES]
Makiko Sekiyama has conducted extensive research related to environmental health risks, and nutrition problems. She is also exploring the history of health troops in the islands of eastern Indonesia, the Philippines and further east during the war.