Japanese Propaganda Films (1942-1945)
67 Films made during the Japanese Occupation of Indonesia, @Youtube channnel of Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld & Geluid
Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie
A list of the issues of GTvNI (the most important medical journal for the Netherlands Indies/Indonesia) and links, compiled in 2020 by William Bradley Horton. While some links may not work, this is a helpful starting point for medical research on malaria before WWII.
Bulletin of the United States Army Medical Department
This is a draft list of the US Army’s Medical Department Bulletin published during World War II which are available on the internet. Surprisingly, much of 1942-43 is not available. This was compiled as part of our project on malaria in Indonesia during WWII, and to assist historians unable to travel to major US libraries. Surprisingly, there is in fact only a limited amount specifically on Indonesia and neighboring areas. Nonetheless, the journal is useful to understand the development of medical knowledge, and the concerns of the US Army Medical Department in this period. Corrections and suggestions of additional sources is welcome.
Replacements for German Medicines 1940
With the occupation of the Netherlands, German companies in Indonesia were closed by the NEI authorities. German pharmaceuticals were extremely important, including malaria medicines Atebrin and Plasmochin. The following clipping from the daily newspaper Tempo (9 December 1940) sheds some light on this issue. (From WBH collection)