2020-entering a new era

The Covid-19 pandemic is bringing drastic changes to the world. It is changing our research as well.  With travel nearly impossible, it is more important than ever to preserve and make materials available remotely.

This is also challenging, given that researchers are not allowed to meet, are discouraged from coming to campus, and students are currently not even allowed on campus except in special circumstances.

Nonetheless, we are redoubling our efforts to prepare for digitalization once the current wave of Covid-19 has passed. We are also working with partners to ensure other materials become available to researchers in either print or digital forms.

Stay healthy!!

[2018-11-05] Symposium on Tohoku and the Southward Movement

On November 5, 2018, we held a symposium on “The Southward Movement of the Japanese from the Tōhoku Region Who Opened Up Modern Japan.” Miyagi University generously sponsored this symposium and has been very supportive of our research efforts.

  • Ken’ichi Goto (Emeritus, Waseda University)

An Overview of the Southward ‘Foreign Relations’ of the Tohoku People Who Opened up Modern Japan [近代日本を拓いた東北人の南方『外交』の概観]

  • Aiko Kurasawa (Emeritus, Keio University)

Miura Jo’s Bali Island [「三浦襄のバリ島」]


  • Mayumi Yamamoto (Miyagi University)

Imamura Hitoshi’s Europe and Military Administration of Java [今村均のヨーロッパとジャワ軍政]

  • Isao Yamazaki (Saga University)

Masamitsu Itagaki’s Djakarta Ika Daigaku: Tohoku-Jawa-Kyushu [板垣政参のジャカルタ医科大学―東北・ジャワ・九州]